Vagabond: moving from place to place without a fixed home: wandering.: of, relating to,or characteristic of a wanderer.: leading an unsettled, irresponsible, or disreputable life.
I don’t know why “vagabond’ came to mind. Perhaps another camp-fire just off the highway, perhaps the gradually losing track of time. Maybe just a state of mind. So I was relieved to see that we appeared to meet most the criteria, when I got round to Googling the definition. Not sure about unsettled though.
We checked into Shelley Beach Caravan Park ahead of a storm front, blowing in from the west. There were a few to-do’s on our list, not least of all, figuring out where to next. We were going from a 1200 klm , ‘nothing to see here’ trek, to a highlights reel itinerary, as we prepared to explore the Eyre Peninsula. And of course, the seafood. Known officially as the Seafood Coast, the Eyre Peninsula has been weighing heavily on Tamika’s mind since we were last in South Australia, eighteen months ago. And if you’ve been following Tamika’s Facebook page, she’s wasted no time. We got some oysters from the local shed and they shucked them while we waited, and the fish?? As Tamika says, you don’t know what fresh is in the big smoke.
The other to-do was to finish the Nullabor 18-hole challenge. I had built up the last two holes in my mind, thinking Ceduna was some kind of return to civilization, not a remote seaside town as it turned out to be. Oil-sand greens, can you believe it? Not even the drop-in synthetic ones they used along the highway. Like going from putting on cement to putting on a beach. All part of the fun……I guess. Still, have the score card and the certificate and it really WAS fun. Love to do it again knowing what to expect this time.
The best views of Ceduna were from Denial Bay, about 5klm across open water. We re-stocked, with out attention to the south. We figured a couple of weeks would see us back at Port Augusta, but with so many interesting things to see and do (and eat), who knows?