Welcome to my Hotel California

Bairnsdale……you can check out any time to you like, but you can never leave…apparently. That temporary repair on the broken suspension leaf proved VERY temporary . It lasted all of 150klm. A slow and steady retreat back to Bairnsdale was my only option. 

First thing Monday morning I hit the phones. Luckily there were three suspension guys in Bairnsdale. Most get there supplies from Alco, who are apparently difficult to deal with, but one, Riviera Trailers uses someone else and the parts promised to be here in a few days. They gave the van suspension a thorough inspection and now we’re replacing both rear sets and checking all the bushes. The other rear set, under the bed, had almost been flattened out (just sayin’). So, once again, another week in Bairnsdale and the prospect of nothing much to share. Have found a nice shady spot next to the river, a big improvement on the industrial estate vacant block of a couple of days ago. 

I wouldn’t say depression was setting in at this point, but the combo of frustration and lethargy was definitely killing the vibe. Then, the call that lifted the mood. Parts had arrived a day earlier. Be there at 8am. Tony and Adrian were great, happy to have me hover with a camera and pass on their knowledge. Like, who knew there were grease nipples that needed topping up every week? Yes, a trip to Bunnings for a grease gun before I left town.

And then, like a coiled spring released, I hit the road heading east towards Lakes Entrance and beyond. Lakes Entrance was only 40klms away. A very picturesque fishing port and under different circumstances might have stayed a day or two, but there still wasn’t enough distance between me and ‘Bairnsdale the Tormentor’, so I pushed on for another hour and felt much better camping beside the Snowy River, just outside Orbost.

Lakes Entrance

Of course, the exciting news is the Photo Gallery is up and running!! The galleries will be updated and expanded over time. Left click on the top RH corner to expand the photos. Thanks for the great feedback already.


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