
With a caravan pre-inspection booked in over a week, I had plenty of time to wend my way back to Melbourne, The alps had been the high point of this little odyssey and now a stint of rolling country side would be a relaxing treat. There was no hurry to check out as Jingellic, myContinue reading “Jingellic”

Down Slidin’

Now, it’s not like I didn’t think this through. I’d let the water tanks run down to reduce the weight of the van. I practiced my low range driving and put on my Slow But Sure cap. As I sat at quietly at Dead Horse Gap, I was steeling my nerves while taking in theContinue reading “Down Slidin’”

Smiggins Diggins

Three days and nights on the mountain top was not ALL zen and meditation. As well as being irradiated by the surrounding communications towers, this was also the jump off point for mountain trail bike riders who plunged down a network of capillaries to a car park far below. There wasn’t a lot of whoopingContinue reading “Smiggins Diggins”

Reaching for Higher Ground

Two things stand out when you cross back into NSW along the Monaro Highway – the landscape opens up and the potholes disappear. The tall timbers and dodgem car driving gave way to sweeping green open country on a steady but comfortable uphill climb towards Bombala. I gotta confess, I always thought Bombala was another seaside townContinue reading “Reaching for Higher Ground”

Lake Cargelligo

There are lakes and there are lakes. As Mick Dundee would say; “That’s not a lake…..THAT’S a lake”. Now, I’m sure there’s bigger out there, but it certainly dominates the view from just about anywhere in the township and surrounds. According to my guide, there was only one free campsite close to town, Frogs Hollow,Continue reading “Lake Cargelligo”

To the Murray….and Beyond 1

It was sad to leave Lake Congelligo, but as they say, duty called. My partner in musical crime, Phil had his second AZ shot… and lived, and Tamika had ‘persuaded’ me as only she can, that it was the right thing to do….if not for me, for the country. I took the precaution of checkingContinue reading “To the Murray….and Beyond 1”

It’s all about The Dish, ’bout The Dish, no Trouble

As far as I know there are two reasons to go to Parkes. One, if your an Elvis impersonator (get a life people) and two, to see the radio telescope made famous by Sam Neil et al in The Dish. So, I’ll go with whats behind door number two please. After spending two days withContinue reading “It’s all about The Dish, ’bout The Dish, no Trouble”

It’s Zoo Time!

The run to Dubbo was uneventful. It took a while for the Warrumbungles to finally dip below the horizon but soon had the interior of the Jeep like a warm bath. I had a ‘to do’ list in Dubbo including the Western Plains Zoo that afternoon. However, I’d lost time and soon realized that WellingtonContinue reading “It’s Zoo Time!”

Ponto (so not) Falls Reserve

Straight up, there are no falls at Ponto Falls Reserve. If there ever was, someone’s filled them in. That’s the only disappointment here. I can’t imagine a more bucolic setting to spend a few relaxing days defrosting and enjoying the winter sunshine. Discreet van sites along the top side the river and for the moreContinue reading “Ponto (so not) Falls Reserve”

Running from El Nino

I’ve had an eye on the long range forecast for a while now. When it became clear that an El Nino event was on the cards, a decision had to be made. Heading north into outback NSW and Queensland this late in the year was always a moot point, but the prospect of heatwave conditionsContinue reading “Running from El Nino”