The Nullabor Run 1 – Norseman to Eucla

The last thing I grabbed before we left Kalgoorlie was my Nullabor Links Golf Card, the only guaranteed diversion on our 1200 klm run to Ceduna in South Australia. The 18-hole par 73 golf course spans 1365 kilometres with one hole in each participating town or roadhouse along the Eyre Highway. The course starts atContinue reading “The Nullabor Run 1 – Norseman to Eucla”

The Nullabor Run 2 – The Bight

Eucla is exactly the point where that range of hills that had been tracking us since Madura, crosses the Eyre Highway and becomes the cliffs of the Great Australian Bight. From here on in, we were on the Nullabor Plains proper and the South Australian border only a few minutes away. Before we left, weContinue reading “The Nullabor Run 2 – The Bight”

The Nullabor Run 3 – Eucla to Penong

It was late afternoon when we pulled off the highway into a rough hewn roadside rest area within line of site of the famous Nullabor Roadhouse and, (of course), the Telstra tower. We’d just settled in when a white ute pulled up parallel to the van. Uh oh, we thought. However our fears were soonContinue reading “The Nullabor Run 3 – Eucla to Penong”