Cape Keraudren Coastal Reserve

Sometimes, something, someone or someplace is actually better than you imagined.  We slipped out from around our rest area tree and headed south-west.  We had read about Cape Keraudren, and saw it as a possible 2-3 day stay on our way to Port Headland.  It was the shortest distance between the highway and the ocean,Continue reading “Cape Keraudren Coastal Reserve”


We arrived on the outskirts of Broome knowing the challenge that lay ahead.  Free camping in Broome is an oxymoron well known by van owners.  On line forums regularly post being moved on by Rangers or woke locals.  Theft from vans was also a hot topic.  Ironically, water and a dump point at the VisitorContinue reading “Broome”

The Dampier Peninsula Part 1

Yes, we made much of our destination in our previous posts, but Broome ended up being a pit-stop this time round.  We did the obligatory town beach park and walk, but we’d heard so much about the Dampier Peninsula that we were back on the Broome-Cape Leveque road just before sunset,  re-stocked and looking forwardContinue reading “The Dampier Peninsula Part 1”

The Dampier Peninsula Part 2

What an amazing day ! We rocked up at the booking office just before nine to join a motley crew of 4WD’s , ready for our first ‘tag-along’ tour. Brian arrived fashionably late and we were soon on our way. Our access road had been closed to the public for some months (more on thatContinue reading “The Dampier Peninsula Part 2”

Broome or Bust – Downtime in Derby

On the road is a lot of fun and we have settled into a nice set-up/pull-down routine.  Still, we’re finding that after 10-12 days free camping and being on the move, sitting still for a few days allows us to repair, recharge and re-stock.  And so we found ourselves in Derby and our first smellContinue reading “Broome or Bust – Downtime in Derby”

Broome or Bust – Mimbi Caves

We had planned to stop at another roadside camp area, but when we checked the tour time for Mimbi Caves (8am), we decided to head straight there and the adjacent Jarlaloo Riwi Campground.  The cave tours and campground are a local indigenous  initiative, a work in progress for several years.  We loved the campground.  WellContinue reading “Broome or Bust – Mimbi Caves”

Broome or Bust – Wolfe Creek

We left early the next morning to avoid the heat (poor Melburnians) with no destination in mind.  First stop was Halls Creek to pick up some fuel, ice and a few essentials.  The bush internet has Halls Creek as a “problem”, so we spent the night  at Caroline Spring, a few clicks out of town. Continue reading “Broome or Bust – Wolfe Creek”

Broome or Bust -Marlgu

I thought I’d be doing a page on Wyndham, but unfortunately, it’s one of those towns that appears out on it’s feet. Port Wyndham is definitely on the canvass. Yes, the pies were delicious but was it worth the 120klm round trip? No. However, two spots along the way made this diversion worth it. TheContinue reading “Broome or Bust -Marlgu”

Broome or Bust – Kununarra

We were literally driving out of the caravan park, when The Great Unhitching brought us to a sudden halt.  All had gone well that morning.  The caravan seemed to silently glide onto the tow ball.  Now that was unusual enough to remember but no reference point for concern (now THAT has all changed). Locked inContinue reading “Broome or Bust – Kununarra”

Broome or Bust -Lake Argyll

We’ve learnt a few lessons and a couple of tricks in the two weeks before we left Darwin. Firstly, rotate your van tyres. Just because the caravan is following you around like a puppy doesn’t mean the tyres are wearing nice and evenly. We had an issue with the slide-out and required the assistance ofContinue reading “Broome or Bust -Lake Argyll”