
Deck the halls, jingle bells, it’s almost Christmas. So, one last destination, one last post for 2024. Knowing that access to the mine at Newnes was off the table, I wasn’t sure where I’d be heading next. But, first things first. I had to climb out of the Capertee Valley. Having hitched up the nightContinue reading “Sofala-la-la-la”

Mystery Roads and Canyons Part 2

Today, the Capertee Valley is a patchwork of farms, forests and of course campgrounds. But over a century ago, the nearby villages of Glen Davis and Newnes were bustling mining towns, due to the discovery of shale oil in the mid 1800’s. Shale oil is literally, shale infused with oil. In the 1940’s this shaleContinue reading “Mystery Roads and Canyons Part 2”

Mystery Roads and Canyons Part 1

I knew where this years travels would end. I’d be heading for the Victorian coast for the summer, as it will be my jumping off point in 2025. But I wasn’t going to just barrel down the national highway like a lemming. Yet again, some interesting information had drifted past my eyes. I could seeContinue reading “Mystery Roads and Canyons Part 1”

Dark Point, Dark Past

The reunion tour continued as I headed south. Spent the weekend back in Wauchope, housekeeping – literally. A drive by and coffee with the agents. The roof could do with a gurney, but apart from that, she’s lookin’ OK. Liz and John were ‘mine hosts’ for the weekend and it was great to catch upContinue reading “Dark Point, Dark Past”

Into the Blue

Moving south and running parallel to an approaching storm front, I realized that the eternal blue skies of outback Queensland had indeed come to an end. The wipers whined after their hibernation as the red dust drizzled off the Jeep. But then it dawned on me that I was about to see another blue –Continue reading “Into the Blue”

Border Hopping

The distance between towns has telescoped. Outer suburbia is metaphorically over the next hill. One last stop before skirting the black hole event horizon of urban civilization. Wivenhoe Dam is Brisbane’s water supply, but with most dams, you only hear about them at flood time. I had remembered the great Lockyer Valley flood of 2011Continue reading “Border Hopping”

Carnarvon Gorge Part 2

The entrance to Boowinda Gorge only gives a hint of what lies past the first bend. Boowinda is the indigenous name for ‘thunder’. When it’s wet season, the sound of thunder coming from here means flash flooding is close behind. The bed of uneven lucky stones means picking your own pathway into this stunning diversion.Continue reading “Carnarvon Gorge Part 2”


The APEX Club, bless they’re cotton socks. First plus for Longreach, a free RV camp with toilets, rubbish bins, internet and only three minutes from town. Second plus, by a quirk of history, Longreach is the spiritual home of our national airline QANTAS and therefore has a kick-ass museum and display. And like gravity, otherContinue reading “Longreach”

Mt Isa and No Parole

It’s a Monday morning in the whistle stop village of Dajarra, 150klms south of Mt Isa. I’ve spent the weekend at a free camp, all footy’ed out, with blue skies and the open road beckoning me once more. An early start would get me to Mt Isa by late morning and maybe one night inContinue reading “Mt Isa and No Parole”